These champions are focused around their kit (Graves is intended to have burst, Corki has a spammable ult and Ezreal receives additional AS by casting spells).

This is done mostly by AD casters like above mentioned Graves or Corki/Ezreal. By doing this you're focussing more on your abilities rather than your autoattacks. The Black Cleaver fits this decription as well but is a lot less used. Going for this route means you will buy a Bloodthirster and a Phantom Dancer. Let's see what stats work together and when you should consider what option. You're going trough laning phase and you're thinking about what path to build. These are very typical mechanisms for an AD carry: a dash/repositioning and a steroid. Graves has aoe short range damage (Q), a damaging aoe smokescreen (W), a dash with Attack Speed bonus (E) and aoe long range damage (R). More info about what to buy in what situation will follow in the Armor section. ArPen allows you to deny a portion of the opponents armor and thus raise your damage. If such an occassion occurs, you should think about buying Armor Penetration (ArPen). If you are doing good, the opponent will buy armor to counter you. Some champions like Graves or Corki are called AD casters because they both use a lot of abilities while maximizing their damage output in contrary to Ashe or Tristana. Bruisers like Riven or Lee Sin will get most damage from their abilities, while AD carries like Ashe or Tristana will get more from autoattacks. Depending on your champion, you will get most of your damage from one or the other. This stat is used both with abilities that scale with AD as well as with autoattacks. Attack Damage (Offensive)Īttack damage (AD) will be built on champions that mostly deal physical damage. You either run faster or you'll be less CC'd, it's pretty straightforward. The remaining category - Utility - won't be discussed here since there is not much to talk about. The stats we'll be discussing can be categorized under Offensive, Defensive and Resources. In this chapter we'll take a closer look at the different types of stats and how they work together. His ID Berserker is intended to describe his playstyle.The journey of legends: a beginner's guide to LoLĬhapter 7: Summoner spells, runes and masteriesĬhapter 18: Backdooring & splitpushing Chapter 2: Stats.Although fans speculated that Cloud9 would replace its support Zven, he remained with the team at Berserker's request. At Worlds 2022, Cloud9 would win only one game in groups before being eliminated.īerserker remained with Cloud9 for the 2023 season. As the meta shifted to become more bot lane focused in playoffs, Berserker was able to lead Cloud9 to its first LCS Summer championship since 2013. He earned the 2nd All Pro Team title in both splits and was runner-up for Rookie of the Year, losing to jojopyun. Despite being a rookie, Berserker quickly proved himself as one of the best bot laners in the region. Although LS would be kicked from Cloud9 shortly into the season, Berserker remained with the team for the entire year. Thanks to the connections Cloud9 head coach LS had with the T1 organization, he was able to recruit Berserker to the Cloud9 LCS team for the 2022 season.

He spent the next year and a half playing for various T1 academy teams, becoming a highly touted prospect. In 2020, he was recruited by T1 to their development system.

Berserker began playing League of Legends in 2014, when he was 11 years old.