Elizabeth black butler creepy
Elizabeth black butler creepy

Sebastian's character itself isn't clear in the first place.The topic on Sebastian's true character seem to be quite contentious as well.

elizabeth black butler creepy

Despite his maturity Ciel is only 13 and, similarly to most shonen protagonists, a romantic and/or sexual relationship is the last thing on his mind.

  • Whether you're a shipper or not, he has shown hints of affection towards Elizabeth.
  • Some people consider Ciel to be asexual, but other fans think he is gay or bisexual.
  • Is Ciel simply a very resilient individual, or was his soul already a shade of black to begin with?
  • Going from the above one particular line from Claude has him note in the lines of how Ciel has traversed through much darkness yet his soul remained uncorrupted.
  • On the other, Word of God has stated multiple times that Ciel is in fact naturally twisted, a trait that he picked up from his father Vincent, and Sebastian has alluded to Ciel's soul having certain properties that he rarely finds in others. On the one hand it's no secret that Sebastian is doing his best to "season" Ciel's soul and on two instances tried to kill Ciel when he appeared to give up on his revenge or be too sick to go on and the position continuously exposes Ciel to the worst of human nature which leads to him making morally reprehensible decisions himself, especially when it triggers his PTSD.
  • Some argue just how much of Ciel's darker tendencies are truly his own and how much they are a result of Sebastian's looming influence and his position as the Queen's Watchdog.
  • Some people think he actually cares about others, and other people think he does not care at all about others or even hates them.
  • elizabeth black butler creepy

    This also happens with a few other characters, but to a lesser degree. Happens a lot with Ciel, especially due to his extremely different personalities in the two canons (manga Ciel and anime Ciel have a lot of differences).Heck, even Sebastian has pulled this off in in his goofier moments.

    elizabeth black butler creepy

    You can't deny that Sieglinde's excitement over learning about the world outside of the forest is very endearing.It's actually cute to see Ciel so shy and awkward around people, even if it is all an act sometimes.Arthur from the murder mystery arc, the Phantomhive servants (obviously), Soma and Agni, Lizzy, and for some fans Ciel himself.

    Elizabeth black butler creepy