Then, use this equation to find your octane: ( x ) + ( x ) = Octane of Mixture. Mixing Fuels and Calculating Octane - Sunoco Race Fuels. Summarized in Table 1, these numbers are measured by blending 20 vol.% of the specific hydrocarbon in 80 vol.% of a 60/40 iso-octane/n-heptane mixture . This is the calculation of octane and cetane number of a liquid fuel by exhaust gas .
HOW TO CALCULATE OCTANE NUMBER AND CETANE NUMBER. How to Calculate Octane Number and Cetane number. You can put this solution on YOUR website! 89 octane gas is made by mixing 87 octane gas and 92 octane gas. SOLUTION: 89 octane gas is made by mixing 87. 6 Influence of equivalence ratio for n-Heptane oxidation in a shock tube at 13.5bar H.J. n-Heptane and iso-Octane Fuel/Air Mixture by the use of a. “In the course of a year, we developed RACE GAS formula that raises octane high as 100 to 105 AKI octane, (R+M/2) when blended with gasoline as . This Concentrate Can Blend Your Own Race Gas.

If you find yourself at one of these places, use the calculator below to figure out the correct mixture of the octanes to get to 93 octane. There are plenty of gas stations out there that happen to serve gasoline at a higher octane than 93. 93 Octane Mixture Calculator: Calculate Gas Mix for 93 Octane. made up from iso-octane (C8H18), calculate the stoichiometric air fuel ratio for . Tutorial on what is the air-fuel mixture, stoichiometric ratio and its.